"OKOSHI-KATAGAMI” refers to hand-carved Ise-Katagami (stencils) produced or owned by OKOSHI-KATAGAMI,Inc. The delicate, beautiful patterns of "OKOSHI-KATAGAMI” reflect the aesthetics nurtured since the company’s founding in 1924, and the fashion of the era in which they were created. The goal of OKOSHI-KATAGAMI,Inc. is to brighten and adorn people’s lives through the power of Ise-Katagami by absorbing, creating, and developing all types of designs, and by incorporating Japanese patterns and cultural traditions into our Katagami designs.
Ise-Katagami: Designs that have fascinated the world
伊勢型紙とは、「きもの」の図柄を染める為に 文様を彫り抜いた型紙のこと。 その起源は諸説ありますが、はるか一千余年の昔、奈良時代とも云われ、少なくとも室町時代には 存在したとされています。 いにしえより受け継がれてきたその巧みな技術は、”伊勢の地”(三重県鈴鹿市の白子・江島・寺家地区) に根付き発展してきました。 19世紀後半には、その意匠・デザイン性は欧米にもたらされ、彼の地の芸術家たちを瞬く間に魅了し、 仏国のアールヌーボー・英国のアーツ・アンド・クラフツなど当時の芸術運動に多大な影響を与えました。 現在において、日本古来の伝統美と伝統技術が今、あらためて見直され、脚光を浴びています。
詳しくはこちらIse-Katagami refers to carved Katagami (stencils) employed to print patterns on Japanese Kimono fabric. Theories vary as to how it originated, but some say it has been known in Japan since the Nara period, which is more than a thousand years ago, or at least by the Muromachi period (1336/38–c.1573). The sophisticated skills involved in its production have been established and developed in Ise (Shiroko, Ejima, and Jike districts of Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture), where they have been handed down through many centuries. In the second half of the 19th century, Ise-Katagami designs were introduced to the West, where their design excellence rapidly gained the admiration of artists, and significantly influenced contemporary artistic movements such as Art Nouveau in France, and the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain.
詳しくはこちらAs richly varied as the people who make them
Beautiful katagami fusing refined techniques and aesthetic sensibilities
伝承の彫刻技法として4種類あり、一人の彫刻師が その技法を重複して習得するのは困難な故、 通常は各々の職人が、各々のスペシャリストとして 彫刻活動をしています。
There are four inherited carving techniques. One craftsman can usually acquire only one of those because mastering multiple techniques is quite hard to do. Each craftsman is working as a specialist of one of the following techniques.
詳しくはこちらThe endless possibilities of our technical and aesthetic heritage
OKOSHI-KATAGAMI 最大の特徴は、『和』のテイストを持ち合わせ、且つ『西洋』のテイストをも融合した多岐に渡る文様を多数取り揃えていることです。
OKOSHI-KATAGAMI,Inc. has constantly and prolifically produced new patterns and designs since its founding, resulting in the appeal of "OKOSHI-KATAGAMI”, which lies in its tradition, continuation, and innovation. Staying abreast with the times through the ceaseless production of new patterns, our Ise-Katagami are iconic Japanese designs.
The greatest distinguishing feature of "OKOSHI-KATAGAMI” is its extensive range of patterns, which amply express Japanese aesthetics, yet also include aspects of Western design.
As a long-established Ise-Katagami brand, we contribute to the preservation and development of Japanese culture through the production of Katagami with authentic value, and through the enrichment of Katagami designs.
百五銀行の丸之内本部棟がオープンいたしました。 設計コンセプトは『津の街に三重の伝統文化に根差した賑わいの創出』です。 津藩の城址に隣接する百五銀行 丸の内本部棟は、城址の石垣に調和を図る現代的な石張り低層部としています。 国道23号線通りに面したエントランスには、伊勢型紙そのものをデザインに取り入れて、金属板を透かし彫刻した大型の壁面スクリーンを設置し…read more
We invite you to come and experience thousands of "OKOSHI-KATAGAMI”.