The endless possibilities of our technical and aesthetic heritage
伊勢型紙とは、「きもの」の図柄を染める為に 文様を彫り抜いた型紙のこと。 その起源は諸説ありますが、はるか一千余年の昔、奈良時代とも云われ、少なくとも室町時代には 存在したとされています。 いにしえより受け継がれてきたその巧みな技術は、”伊勢の地”(三重県鈴鹿市の白子・江島・寺家地区) に根付き発展してきました。 19世紀後半には、その意匠・デザイン性は欧米にもたらされ、彼の地の芸術家たちを瞬く間に魅了し、 仏国のアールヌーボー・英国のアーツ・アンド・クラフツなど当時の芸術運動に多大な影響を与えました。 現在において、日本古来の伝統美と伝統技術が今、あらためて見直され、脚光を浴びています。
Ise-Katagami refers to carved Katagami (stencils) employed to print patterns on Japanese Kimono fabric. Theories vary as to how it originated, but some say it has been known in Japan since the Nara period, which is more than a thousand years ago, or at least by the Muromachi period (1336/38–c.1573). The sophisticated skills involved in its production have been established and developed in Ise (Shiroko, Ejima, and Jike districts of Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture), where they have been handed down through many centuries. In the second half of the 19th century, Ise-Katagami designs were introduced to the West, where their design excellence rapidly gained the admiration of artists, and significantly influenced contemporary artistic movements such as Art Nouveau in France, and the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain.
ご購入の流れはこちら遥か千余年前から伝承されてきた確かな技術が織り成す その美しく繊細なデザインは、居住様式が変化した 現在でも額装として空間に華やかさと品格を添えます。
世界基準の“美”をホテルや商業施設はもちろん、 一般のご家庭でもインテリアとして楽しんで頂けます。
Featuring beautiful, delicate designs preserved for over a thousand years along with the accompanying technical expertise, framed "OKOSHI-KATAGAMI” add luxury and class to contemporary interiors, and are versatile enough to suit both Japanese- and Western-style rooms.
"OKOSHI-KATAGAMI” frames bring the enjoyment of world-class beauty to the interiors of hotels and retail premises as well as private homes.
Classy and sophisticated, Ise-Katagami designs adorning entrance halls and hotel front desks can be the quintessential expression of hospitality promising top-quality service.
Ise-Katagami lighting casts soft patterns on living spaces, creating a relaxing, serene mood that adds to the comfort of the room. Spend your private time in calm and ease with elegant lighting unrivaled by fluorescent lights.
Designs and patterns created by carved Katagami are monochromatic. Color is the “magic” that endows Ise-Katagami with the capacity to realize the exact visual effect you seek.
Basic, monochromatic Ise-Katagami designs can be made elegant, cool, cute, or modern with the adoption of different colorways, which add value to fashion items, textiles, wallpapers, interior accessories, packaging and many other products and situations.
Licensing opportunities are available to clients looking to use our designs in commercial products and novelties.
Private customers as well as architectural and design business customers are welcome by appointment.
Please make an appointment here.
We will explain everything you need to know about our Ise-Katagami.
Please feel free to discuss the effects and uses you have in mind, as well as your tastes and preferences.
We can make product suggestions based on your needs.
A popular katagami size is 45 x 54 cm, priced between 20,000 and 80,000 yen per sheet, with the majority priced around 30,000 yen per sheet.
You can choose from thousands of available products. If you let us know when you make an appointment, we can also narrow down the choice for you for greater efficiency.
We accept payment in cash or major credit card.